NAD Professional Line
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“Pure Pet” Augintinių Ilgaamžiškumui, sveikatai ‘DoNotAge.org (30tabl/30porc)

Original price was: €35.90.Current price is: €25.90.

(1 pirkėjo atsiliepimas)

“Pure Pet” (DoNotAge.org) papildai Jūsų augintiniams. Į jo sudėtį įeina gerai žinomi ingredientai – Pure N.M.N. – 100mg, Pure Hyaluronic Acid – 25mg, SIRT6 Activator® – 130mg, MSM – 50mg, Boswellia – 50mg

Pure Pet chews are packed with DoNotAge.org’s Pure N.M.N. and other ingredients designed to extend healthy lifespan of your beloved pets.

This highly bioavailable longevity formula also contains our most popular ingredient, SIRT6 Activator®, as well as Pure Hyaluronic Acid, Boswellia, MSM and Vitamin E in amounts that will make a difference to your pet.



NAD+ augintiniams

After thousands of customers who have been giving their pets some of our ingredients and asking us to provide a pet-specific ingredient, we teamed up with our scientists to create Pure Pet.

Pure Pet chews have been specially created with your beloved pets in mind. Now, DoNotAge.org can offer your pets the same chance of extending their healthy lifespan as you.

Pets tend to age faster than humans, which can then cause other issues with their joints, skin and brain. Pure Pet addresses the root causes of these potential issues.

Pure Pet includes three of our most popular ingredients:

Pure N.M.N – 100mg of our purest N.M.N per chew to really make a difference to your pets’ NAD levels and longevity.

Pure Hyaluronic Acid – 25mg of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid per chew to help your pets with joint and skin health, as well as brain and bladder health.

SIRT6 Activator® – 130mg per chew to activate Sirtuin 6 in your pet and promote DNA repair, protect telomeres, support genomic stability and we all know SIRT6 Activator® is the ultimate anti-inflammatory ingredient.

Pure Pet Benefits

  • Boost NAD levels
  • Boost stamina and endurance
  • Joint health
  • Brain and cognitive health
  • Bladder health
  • DNA repair
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Strengthens immunity

Pure Pet Ingredients per chew:

Pure N.M.N – 100mg

Pure Hyaluronic Acid – 25mg

SIRT6 Activator® – 130mg

MSM – 50mg

Boswellia – 50mg

Sweet Potato Flour, Pea Starch, Vegetable Glycerin, Calcium Carbonate, Dried  Yeast, Dried Tomato, Rosemary Extract, Rice Flour

Flavour – Natural Smoked Flavour

Weight Categories of Pets:

Small – up to 10kg – 1 container of Pure Pet for a monthly supply

Medium – 11-26kg – 2 containers of Pure Pet for a monthly supply

Large – 27-45kg – 3 containers of Pure Pet for a monthly supply

X-Large – 46kg+ – 4 containers of Pure Pet for a monthly supply

This product comes with the DoNotAge.org Quality Guarantee. This means that we guarantee the purity and quality of this product to your door, no matter where you live.

All of our products are produced to GMP and ISO9001 standards. Our products are manufactured and stored in cool, dark and dry environments.

Papildoma informacija




Mažas – iki 10 kg – 1 kramtoma tabletė per dieną
Vidutinis – 11-26kg – 2 kramtoma tabletė per dieną
Didelis – 27-45kg – 4 kramtoma tabletė per dieną
X-Large – 46kg+ – 4 kramtoma tabletė per dieną

Įspėjimai:  Neviršykite nurodytos rekomenduojamos paros normos. Šis produktas neturėtų būti naudojamas kaip įvairios, subalansuotos dietos pakaitalas. Spec. paskirties produktas, nėra maisto pakaitalas. Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Netinka nėščioms ir maitinančioms. Nevartoti žmonėms, alergiškiems produkto sudėtinėms dalims. Prieš vartojimą pasitarkite su gydytoju ar vaistininku. Laikyti vėsioje sausoje vietoje toliau nuo tiesioginių saulės spindulių. Laikyti vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.

Alergenai: Pagaminta gamykloje, kurios gamyboje naudojamas pienas, soja, kiaušinio baltymas, glitimas ir žemės riešutai. Gali būti randami šių produktų pėdsakai. 

Geriausias iki (termino pabaigos): geriausias vartoti iki termino, nurodyto ant pakuotės šono, viršaus arba jos apačioje

Sudedamosios Dalys

PORCIJŲ SKAIČIUS PAKUOTĖJE: 30 (porcija 1 tabl.)
GRYNASIS KIEKIS: 30 tablečių (10.7 g),
GAMINTOJAS: Peace Products Ltd. Unit 4, Melbourne Business Court Ride Park, Derby, UK
PLATINTOJAS LIETUVOJE: “Aroma Fero” UAB, Konstitucijos pr. 21, 09306 Vilnius.

Sudedamosios Dalys: Saldžiųjų bulvių miltai, žirnių krakmolas, augalinis glicerinas, kalcio karbonatas, džiovintos mielės, džiovinti pomidorai, rozmarinų ekstraktas, ryžių miltaiSkonis – natūralus rūkytas skonis

Pure NMN – 100mg, Pure Hyaluronic Acid – 25mg, SIRT6 Activator® – 130mg, MSM – 50mg, Boswellia – 50mg

En Description

After thousands of customers who have been giving their pets some of our ingredients and asking us to provide a pet-specific ingredient, we teamed up with our scientists to create Pure Pet.

Pure Pet chews have been specially created with your beloved pets in mind. Now, DoNotAge.org can offer your pets the same chance of extending their healthy lifespan as you.

Pets tend to age faster than humans, which can then cause other issues with their joints, skin and brain. Pure Pet addresses the root causes of these potential issues.


Pure Pet includes three of our most popular ingredients:

Pure NMN – 100mg of our purest NMN per chew to really make a difference to your pets’ NAD levels and longevity.

Pure Hyaluronic Acid – 25mg of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid per chew to help your pets with joint and skin health, as well as brain and bladder health.

SIRT6 Activator® – 130mg per chew to activate Sirtuin 6 in your pet and promote DNA repair, protect telomeres, support genomic stability and we all know SIRT6 Activator® is the ultimate anti-inflammatory ingredient.


Pure Pet Benefits

  • Boost NAD levels
  • Boost stamina and endurance
  • Joint health
  • Brain and cognitive health
  • Bladder health
  • DNA repair
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Strengthens immunity

Pure Pet Ingredients per chew:

Pure NMN – 100mg

Pure Hyaluronic Acid – 25mg

SIRT6 Activator® – 130mg

MSM – 50mg

Boswellia – 50mg

Sweet Potato Flour, Pea Starch, Vegetable Glycerin, Calcium Carbonate, Dried  Yeast, Dried Tomato, Rosemary Extract, Rice Flour

Flavour – Natural Smoked Flavour


Weight Categories of Pets:

Small – up to 10kg – 1 container of Pure Pet for a monthly supply

Medium – 11-26kg – 2 containers of Pure Pet for a monthly supply

Large – 27-45kg – 3 containers of Pure Pet for a monthly supply

X-Large – 46kg+ – 4 containers of Pure Pet for a monthly supply


This product comes with the DoNotAge.org Quality Guarantee. This means that we guarantee the purity and quality of this product to your door, no matter where you live.

All of our products are produced to GMP and ISO9001 standards. Our products are manufactured and stored in cool, dark and dry environments.

1 atsiliepimas apie “Pure Pet” Augintinių Ilgaamžiškumui, sveikatai ‘DoNotAge.org (30tabl/30porc)

  1. Julija Sadaunykaitė

    Puikus papildas! Mano aštuonerių metų šunytė jaučiasi žymiai energingesnė. Ačiū, kad šiuos papildus galima nusipirkti Lietuvoje!

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