“MOONSTRUCK®” legendinis ZooMad Labs preworkout energetikas. Patentuoti ingredientai, aukštos dozės. Sudėtyje esantis ViNitrox™, 10% gali padidinti fizinį pajėgumą, pramušti “sieną” (žiūrėti prisegtą info). Kyowa Quality® standartas, kad produktas yra efektyvus ir saugus vartoti. AstraGin® ir BioPerine® patentuotos formulės, dėka kurių sudėtyje esančios medžiagos įsisavinamos žymiai efektyviau. 5000mg AAKG, 2000mg Beta alanine, su pridėtu Kreatino hidrochloridu, Guarana, Kofeinu ir kitomis medžiagomis.
“MOONSTRUCK®” legendinis ZooMad Labs preworkout energetikas. Patentuoti ingredientai, aukštos dozės. Sudėtyje esantis ViNitrox™, 10% gali padidinti fizinį pajėgumą, pramušti “sieną” (žiūrėti prisegtą info). Kyowa Quality® standartas, kad produktas yra efektyvus ir saugus vartoti. AstraGin® ir BioPerine® patentuotos formulės, dėka kurių sudėtyje esančios medžiagos įsisavinamos žymiai efektyviau. 5000mg AAKG, 2000mg Beta alanine, su pridėtu Kreatino hidrochloridu, Guarana, Kofeinu ir kitomis medžiagomis.
Atminkite: Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas! Rūpinimasis savo sveikata yra labai sveikintinas dalykas. Kuomet rūpinamės savimi, savo fizine bei emocine sveikata, esame laimingesni, žvalesni ir darbingesni. Žmogaus sveikatai, ypatingai didelę reikšmę turi geras miegas, fizinis aktyvumas, kokybiškas, sveikas maistas ir bendravimas su kitais žmonėmis. Jei į savo racioną įtrauksite kuo daugiau įvairesnio maisto – daržovių, vaisių, įvairių grūdinių patiekalų, duonos gaminių, mėsos, organizmas įsisavins, visas jam naudingas medžiagas ir tikėtina jų netrūks. Papildai, vitaminai, mineralai, tai tik mitybos papildymas, vartokite juos tik tuo atveju jei gerai žinote, kad vienos ar kitos medžiagos Jums trūksta. Arba jei tą parekomendavo gydytojas. Idealus variantas, jei galite pasidaryti kraujo tyrimą ir tiksliai nustatyti, kokių medžiagų Jums trūksta. Būkite sveiki ir laimingi!
Candy Coke, Devil Cherry, Fruit Fight, Banana Kick
1 kaušelį (~16g) sumaišykite su 150 ml šalto vandens ir suvartokite 20-30 minučių iki treniruotės.
Dėmesio: Kadangi rekomenduojama dozė sudaro 300 mg kofeino, rekomenduojame vengti, kartu vartoti kitus, kofeino turinčius produktus, medikamentus, gėrimus.
Įspėjimai: Neviršykite nurodytos rekomenduojamos paros normos. Šis produktas neturėtų būti naudojamas kaip įvairios, subalansuotos dietos pakaitalas. Spec. paskirties produktas, nėra maisto pakaitalas. Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Netinka nėščioms ir maitinančioms moterims. Nevartoti žmonėms, alergiškiems produkto sudėtinėms dalims. Prieš vartojimą pasitarkite su gydytoju ar vaistininku. Laikyti vėsioje sausoje vietoje toliau nuo tiesioginių saulės spindulių. Laikyti vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.
Geriausias iki (termino pabaigos): geriausias vartoti iki termino, nurodyto ant pakuotės šono, viršaus arba jos apačioje.
Sudedamosios Dalys
En Description
Zoomad Labs’ Moonstruck is a formula designed to allow you to give it your all in every workout. It contains scientifically tested and patented ingredients in the highest possible doses in order to obtain results which, until now, have never been seen in pre-training formulas.
Lunatic mode: on!
Moonstruck contains the patented and clinically tested ingredient ViNitrox™, which will enhance your performance and improve your physical ability by 10% according to the studies attached, allowing you to break through “The Wall” and increasing your nitric oxide levels.
Zoomad Labs uses Kyowa Quality® ingredients which guarantee the safety and effectiveness of Moonstruck. Not all amino acids are created equally, and we use only the best for our “animals”…we’re crazy, but not stupid!
Moonstruck also contains AstraGin® and BioPerine®, two patented and clinically tested formulas. It has been proven in numerous clinical studies that formulas containing these ingredients have a significantly higher absorption capacity than other comparable formulas. AstraGin® also has restorative power on an intestinal level, meaning it can also help to strengthen the immune system…we Lunatics don’t get sick easily!
5g of AAKG, 3g of citrulline malate and 2g of beta alanine, a combination of nitric oxide-producing amino acids which very few formulas currently on the market offer in such high doses, mean that you will reach new levels of vasodilation. Veins, veins and more veins!
50mg of Rhodiola Rosea at a ratio of 10:1 (500mg of Rhodiola) helps to improve endurance and concentration during workouts, as well as promoting the use of fat as an energy source. Distract a Moonstruck at the gym at your peril!
With creatine HCL, which has better solubility and 60% higher absorption than creatine monohydrate, it’s clear that the only animal around here is the Lunatic.
With the combination of the stimulants caffeine anhydrous, green tea and guarana, your mental focus will be on another level during your training sessions. You’ll see for yourself what it means to take a walk on the wild side. Welcome to our zoo!
ViNitrox ™ has been developed to specifically respond to the demands of athletes looking for natural dietary supplements.
-Stimulates muscle performance
-Breaking the fatigue barrier
-Amplifies the level of nitric oxide
ViNitrox ™ is an exclusive and patented synergistic combination of apple and grape polyphenols. It offers a number of exceptional sports nutrition properties, including long-lasting, enhanced performance. The latest clinical study * of Nexira in 50 athletes, aged 25 to 45, showed that under intensive exertion, 500 mg / day of ViNitrox ™ improves physical capabilities:
-Increase physical training time by 10%
-Delays the fatigue barrier by 13%
Kyowa Quality® ingredients are offered to quality-minded manufacturers who want to ensure the safety and efficacy of the products they bring to market. Be sure to look for Kyowa Quality® on the label as a guarantee of a superior product that will give you the benefits you are looking for. L-Glutamine is the most common amino acid found in muscle and is the main nitrogen transporter to muscle cells. During intense training, levels can be dramatically depleted, so supplementation can be helpful for people looking to optimize their training performance. Kyowa Quality L-Glutamine is a pure, vegetarian ingredient backed by the highest manufacturing standards.
BioPerine® is a proprietary extract obtained from black pepper (Piper nigrum) fruits, a standardized minimum of 95% piperine, marketed by Sabinsa Corporation and has been used as a bioavailability enhancer for over 20 years. BioPerine® has the remarkable ability to increase the bioavailability of co-administered nutrients. Different mechanisms of bioenhancement activity of BioPerine® have been proposed:
BioPerine® modulates the enzymes responsible for metabolizing nutritional substances.
Stimulates the activity of amino acid transporters in the intestinal lining.
It inhibits p-glycoprotein, the ‘pump’ protein that removes substances from cells.
It decreases the intestinal production of glucuronic acid and reduces the activity of the enzyme glucuronyl transferase, thus allowing more substances to enter the body in their active form.
Supplementation with BioPerine® can turn a marginally effective nutrient substance into a highly effective one by increasing its bioavailability and intracellular residence time.
Creatine HCL works well because adding the hydrochloride group to the creatine mill lowers the pH of creatine, making it more acidic, which dramatically increases its solubility in fluids. You will notice this when you mix creatine HCL in water; Mixes almost instantly with no sedimentation, no particles at the bottom of the glass. Any ingredients that have precipitated to the bottom of a cup are ingredients that will settle in your intestines and not be properly absorbed. This will also cause water to enter the intestines, causing an upset stomach and diarrhea. Creatine HCL has been shown in the laboratory to be approximately 40 times more soluble in liquid than creatine monohydrate.
And research shows that when subjects consume the same amounts of creatine HCL and creatine monohydrate, creatine HCL is absorbed by the intestines about 60% better than creatine monohydrate. This means that you can take a much lower dose of creatine HCL for similar results as creatine monohydrate. With greater solubility in liquid, greater absorption by the intestines and with a much lower dose, it significantly reduces the possibility of stomach problems and subcutaneous water retention.
3 atsiliepimai apie “MOONSTRUCK2®” Preworkout/Energijai/Jėgai (2 versija) ‘Zoomad Labs’ (480g/30porc)
Įvertinimas: 5 iš 5
gainzlt –
Labai patiko! Skonis SUPER (šiandien išbandžiau kolos skonio), o ir poveikis tikrai geras – nenusileidžia tam pačiam skoniui, kadangi į treniruotę atėjau pavakarę, pavargęs, o šitas PWO gerai pažadino, davė gerą “spyrį į užpakalį”. 🙂
Įvertinimas: 4 iš 5
Lukas –
Vienas is geriausiu mano bandytu pwo tik skonis nepatiko (DEVIL CHERRY)
gainzlt –
Tik geriausi atsiliepimai apie šitą PWO. 🙂 Skonis patiko, toks NESTANDARTINIS, įdomus, bet geras. Poveikis… tas pats, kas ir kitų skonių Moonstruck, t.y labai geras, čia tik SKONIS naujas, įdomus, geras. 🙂
€38.00Original price was: €38.00.€26.98Current price is: €26.98.KELI VARIANTAI
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
€2.30Original price was: €2.30.€1.59Current price is: €1.59.KELI VARIANTAI
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
€40.98Original price was: €40.98.€33.90Current price is: €33.90.KELI VARIANTAI
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
gainzlt –
Labai patiko! Skonis SUPER (šiandien išbandžiau kolos skonio), o ir poveikis tikrai geras – nenusileidžia tam pačiam skoniui, kadangi į treniruotę atėjau pavakarę, pavargęs, o šitas PWO gerai pažadino, davė gerą “spyrį į užpakalį”. 🙂
Lukas –
Vienas is geriausiu mano bandytu pwo tik skonis nepatiko (DEVIL CHERRY)
gainzlt –
Tik geriausi atsiliepimai apie šitą PWO. 🙂 Skonis patiko, toks NESTANDARTINIS, įdomus, bet geras. Poveikis… tas pats, kas ir kitų skonių Moonstruck, t.y labai geras, čia tik SKONIS naujas, įdomus, geras. 🙂