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“Curcumin-XT” Kurkuma (Ciberžolė) 95% Ekstraktas ‘Genius Nutrition’ (90kaps/45porc)

Original price was: €22.90.Current price is: €17.90.

Genius Nutrition “Curcumin-XT” (Curcuma Longa, 95% curcuminoides) koncentruotas Ciberžolės ekstraktas. Ajurvedinėje medicinoje ciberžolė žinoma jau daigiau ne 4000 metų. Tai plačiai žinomas ir vartojamas natūralus papildas. “Curcumin-XT” papildyta juodojo pipiro ekstraktu (98%), efektyvesniam ciberžolės naudingųjų medžiagų įsisavinimui.

➠ 95% Kurkumos Ekstraktas
➠ Padeda palaikyti normalią imuninės sistemos veiklą.
➠ Padeda palaikyti normalią kepenų veiklą bei normalų kepenų lipidų kiekį.
➠ Padeda palaikyti normalų cholesterolio lygį kraujyje bei normalią širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkciją.




Stebuklingoji ciberžolė – galingas antioksidantas: kodėl geriausia vartoti kartu su pipirais

Ryškiai geltoni, išsiskiriantys iš visos prieskonių paletės milteliai, – ko gero, nesunkiai atpažinsite ciberžolę. Tiesa, ji ypatinga ne tik spalva. Ciberžolė priskiriama šildantiems prieskoniams, vertingiems biologiškais aktyviomis medžiagomis. Šiam prieskoniui būdingas antioksidacinis poveikis, ciberžolė padeda mažinti laisvųjų radikalų kiekį organizme.

„Ciberžolės komponentas kurkuminas pasižymi galingu antioksidaciniu poveikiu, veikia prieuždegimiškai molekuliniame lygmenyje. Kurkuminas blokuoja tam tikrą molekulę, kuri keliauja į ląstelės centrą, ir tarsi įjungia su uždegimu susijusius genus. Kurkuminas yra labai svabus imuninės sistemos apsaugai, stiprinimui“, – LRT TELEVIZIJAI kalbėjo biomedicinos mokslų daktarė docentė Sanrija Čapkauskienė.

Būtent kurkuminas ciberžolei ir suteikia ryškiai geltoną spalvą. Tiesa, jį patariama vartoti ne vieną, o kartu su pipirais.

„Kurkumino pasisavinimą maždaug 2000 proc. paspartina pipirinas, t. y. pipiro aktyvusis komponentas. Paprastai kario milteliuose be ciberžolės būna ir pipiro – tam, kad būtų užtikrintas gerųjų medžiagų pasisavinimas. 1/20 arbatinio šaukštelio pipiro suaktyvina ciberžolėje esančio kurkumino pasisavinimą“, – sako S. Čapkauskienė.

Pasak biomedicinos mokslų daktarės, organizmui sveikatinti, tolinti lėtines ligas patariama vartoti vieną du arbatinius šaukštelius ciberžolės per dieną. Tiesa, anot pašnekovės, šis prieskonis nerekomenduojamas besilaukiančioms, žindančioms moterims, asmenims, turintiems inkstų akmenų, mažą geležies kiekį.

Visi papildai moterims –>

Atminkite: Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas! Rūpinimasis savo sveikata yra labai sveikintinas dalykas. Kuomet rūpinamės savimi, savo fizine bei emocine sveikata, esame laimingesni, žvalesni ir darbingesni. Žmogaus sveikatai, ypatingai didelę reikšmę turi geras miegas, fizinis aktyvumas, kokybiškas, sveikas maistas ir bendravimas su kitais žmonėmis. Jei į savo racioną įtrauksite kuo daugiau įvairesnio maisto – daržovių, vaisių, įvairių grūdinių patiekalų, duonos gaminių, mėsos, organizmas įsisavins, visas jam naudingas medžiagas ir tikėtina jų netrūks. Papildai, vitaminai, mineralai, tai tik mitybos papildymas, vartokite juos tik tuo atveju jei gerai žinote, kad vienos ar kitos medžiagos Jums trūksta. Arba jei tą parekomendavo gydytojas. Idealus variantas, jei galite pasidaryti kraujo tyrimą ir tiksliai nustatyti, kokių medžiagų Jums trūksta. Būkite sveiki ir laimingi!

Papildoma informacija


Genius Nutrition


➠ Geriausiems rezultatams, vartokite po 2 kapsules ryte, tuoj pat po pusryčių. Užsigerkite vandeniu. Jeigu skrandis jautrus, vartoti po 1 kapsulę per dieną, valgio metu.

↻ 1 porcija = 2 kapsulės / 800 mg

Įspėjimai:  Neviršykite nurodytos rekomenduojamos paros normos. Šis produktas neturėtų būti naudojamas kaip įvairios, subalansuotos dietos pakaitalas. Spec. paskirties produktas, nėra maisto pakaitalas. Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo būdas. Netinka nėščioms ir maitinančioms moterims. Nevartoti žmonėms, alergiškiems produkto sudėtinėms dalims. Prieš vartojimą pasitarkite su gydytoju ar vaistininku. Laikyti vėsioje sausoje vietoje toliau nuo tiesioginių saulės spindulių. Laikyti vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.

Geriausias iki (termino pabaigos): geriausias vartoti iki termino, nurodyto ant pakuotės šono, viršaus arba jos apačioje.

Sudedamosios Dalys

GRYNASIS KIEKIS: 90 kaps (65 g).
GAMINTOJAS: GENIUS NUTRITION LTD, European Union, ROU, Business Logistic Center, Tamasi 20, Buftea 070000.
PLATINTOJAS LIETUVOJE: “Aroma Fero” UAB, Konstitucijos pr. 21, 09306 Vilnius.



En Description


Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 4000 years and is still widely appreciated for its impressive benefits for the body.
You probably know turmeric as the flavourful spice that gives Indian curries a distinctive yellow colour.
Since the 1900s scientists have published over 11000 studies documenting turmeric’s wide-ranging health benefits, making it one of the world’s most well-researched natural health remedies.

But the real secret behind turmeric’s success is its compound curcumin. Curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound that has been shown to benefit almost every system in your body – your skin, metabolism, heart and blood vessels, and even your brain!
Curcumin might be the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory we know of.
When your body suffers in any way, whether from injury, illness, exposure to environmental toxins, or damage caused by oxidative stress, inflammation is the body’s first response.
It is your body’s way of stepping up to recover, and common inflammation symptoms are feeling hot at touch, swelling, and pain.
When short-lived, inflammation is a natural process that actually helps the body recover and function at its best. But problems arise when the recovery process is incomplete and when the body is in an inflamed state for too long. This is called chronic or long-lasting inflammation.

This is a complicated biochemical process that has been linked to chronic conditions including:
• heart disease
• cancer
• metabolic syndrome
• ulcerative colitis
• autoimmune disease
• arthritis

The good news is that curcumin can help to prevent or improve all these conditions because it suppresses the enzymes that produce inflammation.


Bad diets, growing waistlines, and unhealthy blood sugar levels are some of the most common health problems that we face in the developed world.
The increase of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and diabetes are a global epidemic causing millions of deaths every year.
There is mounting evidence that curcumin could help to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
In one study pre-diabetics were given curcumin capsules or a placebo for nine months. A significant number of the subjects on the placebo developed Type 2 diabetes compared to none of those taking curcumin.
The sugar metabolism of those on curcumin had also improved.


Studies show that curcumin could improve your general brain health and memory.
Older Indians who regularly consumed curcumin in curries throughout their lifetime have better cognitive performance and a lower incidence of Alzheimer’s disease than people in the Western world.
Curcumin has also shown promise in reducing depression.
A study found that curcumin was as effective as a well-known antidepressant in reducing major depression. At the same time curcumin is safer.
If you are experiencing mild depression it is definitely worth taking a curcumin supplement.

Curcumin reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Besides reducing inflammation in blood vessels, curcumin has two further benefits, protecting against heart disease and stroke.


Polyphenols like curcumin are recognised for reducing the clumping of blood platelets which contributes to blocked blood vessels. Curcumin in particular modifies the production of an enzyme that promotes blood clotting.
Studies have shown that curcumin was effective in reducing the levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol in blood as well as increasing levels of “good” HDL.


This is a more controversial topic in the research, but based on the available studies the evidence is promising.
Indians have much lower rates of the most common cancers in the US – breast, prostate, colon and lung. This is partly attributed to the curcumin in their diets.
On various cellular levels, curcumin could lower the risk of a number of cancers or slow down their progression.
Research is still in its early stages but studies have shown the curcumin can:
inhibit cancer growth before it starts
destroy cancer cells and prevent them from spreading
interrupt the growth of additional blood vessels that feed the cancer cells.


The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of curcumin can reduce skin cell damage caused by sun exposure, pollution and other toxins.
Curcumin has been used in India in pastes, plasters, and ointments for centuries.
Recent studies have shown that curcumin can improve many skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis, itching and psoriasis – either taken orally or applied to directly to the skin.
Try curcumin to keep your skin looking young and healthy!

Dosage problems with curcumin supplements

At this point you should be convinced that turmeric, with its active ingredient curcumin, is truly an incredible substance with many health benefits.

And at this point you might be asking: “What is the best way to incorporate curcumin into my diet?”
Unfortunately this is not as easy as picking up some turmeric powder from the grocery store and adding it to your meals.
That is because when you add natural turmeric to your food it contains only about 3% curcumin.
Unless it is combined with another substance, you only absorb about 1% of the curcumin.
And of that tiny amount that makes it into your bloodstream – your liver metabolizes it rapidly – your body has only about a two-hour window to reap the benefits!


To really experience the benefits of curcumin you need to take at least 2 capsules containing 800 mg of turmeric extract daily for it to make a difference to your general health.
To truly get the potent health benefits of curcumin, you need to take a high quality supplement with science-tested doses and maximum bioavailability, otherwise you’re just wasting your money.
Before we get to the best curcumin supplements, let’s talk about improving curcumin bioavailability.


Scientists discovered that when curcumin is combined with black pepper extract (whose active ingredient is piperine), the absorption of curcumin is greatly enhanced and it stays in the bloodstream for longer.
When piperine, an extract of black pepper, was combined with curcumin, its bioavailability was 20 times higher.

CURCUMIN-XT contains a high quality curcumin extract with enhanced bioavailability.


The key to picking the best curcumin supplement is to make sure it is both:

• optimized for absorption
• contains a high concentration extract – 95%

Curcumin-XT is a premium high quality product with the right concentration of 95% curcuminoids and 98% piperine extract for maximum bioavailability.

Directions for use
➠ For best results, take 2 capsules in the morning after breakfast.
↻ 1 serving = 2 capsules / 800 mg

Dietary supplements are only intended for healthy persons. Do not take if pregnant or breastfeeding. Keep out of the reach of children. This dietary supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Do not exceed recommended daily dose. Consume preferably before the date indicated on the container. Store in a cool and dry place.


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